In the final blog last year, I drew upon the immortal words of the late, great, John Lennon
“A very Merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year. Let’s hope it’s a good one. Without any fear”
As we drew toward the end of 2023, the same tune kept repeating itself in my head – you know what it is like – a tune keeps playing over in your mind and nothing can cause it to go away.
So, let’s reflect on 2023 and what it held.
The war in Ukraine just drags on, although it hasn’t received a lot of media coverage recently, having been usurped by the Israeli-Gaza war.
Australians continued to suffer from debilitating mortgage rates and cost of living pressures. Hopefully, there is some light at the end of the tunnel and we may see interest rates start to come down a little, particularly as inflation eases.
The lack of available housing, particularly for the more vulnerable members of our community, just isn’t going away. I don’t know about you but the political rhetoric, both at a State, Territory and Federal level just doesn’t cut it anymore.
I am not sure about you, but this year certainly seems to have been hotter than past years – and we have had our fair share of natural disasters from floods to bushfires and, as I write this, the remnants of Cyclone Jasper.
The Voice referendum consumed a lot of emotional airtime during most of 2023, leading up to the referendum in October. While the result was not as many would have liked, the outcome represented democracy at work.
But 2023 wasn’t all bad news (depending on your perspective). We also saw:
Increasing power generation from renewable energy, and an increasing awareness to take climate change seriously,
The Robo-debt Royal Commission released its final report, vindicating many victims,
A thawing of Australia’s relationship with China.
Re-arranging the deck chairs in corporate, executive and government including changes to a couple of State leaders, a new head of the Reserve Bank, and a new boss for Qantas.
As we arrive at the end of 2023, it is a time of sadness for me.
My esteemed colleague and co-blogger of Realise Your Dream, Mark Teale, is retiring – this time – full-time.
Mark and I have worked together for over 21 years. Mark’s knowledge, wisdom, and support have been immeasurable. He has been an absolute rock. Rarely phased by external influences, Mark has been a steady hand on the wheel.
I am going to miss my daily interactions with Mark however I am sure we will continue to be in touch with each other.
Who knows, we may even get him to write the occasional piece on life in ‘full-time’ retirement.
I would like to wish Mark and Donna a very long, happy, and healthy retirement.
And to you, our readers, we would like to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.
Realise Your Dream will return in late January 2024.
By Peter Kelly on 20 December 2023
Peter Kelly
PK believes people have the right to accurate, affordable and unbiased information that addresses all aspects of their preferred retirement lifestyle, thereby giving them the opportunity to make informed decisions that will empower them to live out their lives with dignity, certainty and security.
Mark Teale
Tealey’s ambition is to change how people think about their retirement, he wants people to dream, plan and realise retirement is not defined by a magical age prescribed by the legislation.
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